Reimagining the Four Freedoms
How might notions of freedom, as presented by Roosevelt and Rockwell during the World War II era, be reinterpreted for our times? What does freedom look like today?
Inspired by the legacies of Roosevelt and Rockwell, Reimagining the Four Freedoms is a juried exhibition inviting contemporary artists to consider two questions:
• How might notions of freedom, as presented in Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s and Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms, be interpreted for our times?
• What does freedom look like today?
This installation represents the diverse spectrum of responses received from artists across the nation and in Canada. Their compelling artworks in all media give voice to their observations and concerns about freedoms found and lost in our times.
Read the Press Release for Reimagining the Four Freedoms
Major support for Norman Rockwell: Imagining Freedom has been generously provided by Jay Alix | The Alix Foundation and George Lucas Family Foundation, and by national presenting sponsor The Travelers Companies, Inc. Additional support is provided by an anonymous donor, Michael Bakwin, Helen Bing, Elephant Rock Foundation, Ford Foundation, Heritage Auctions, Annie and Ned Lamont, National Endowment for the Arts, and Ted Slavin. Media sponsors include: Curtis Licensing, a division of The Saturday Evening Post, and Norman Rockwell Family Agency.

VIDEO: Imagining Freedom: Perspectives on the Four Freedoms
Recorded: October 23, 2020
Join three Imagining Freedom catalogue authors – outstanding scholars who will bring little known aspects of the Four Freedoms and Rockwell’s famed paintings into view. What did these stand for in their time? How did they shape perception and generate support for the war effort? Who were they speaking to and who was left out? What do they mean to us today?

VIDEO: Imagining Freedom: Curator Preview
This video is a production of Norman Rockwell Museum. © 2020 Norman Rockwell Museum. All Rights Reserved.

An Uncertain Future
(Best in Show)
Chris Hopkins
An Uncertain Future, 2014
Oil on panel

Olive Branch
(Best in Show)
Felice House,
Olive Branch, 2016
Oil on canvas

(Best in Show)
Robert Selby
Colored/White, 2016
Oil on wooden door

Freedom of Speech
Peter Zierlein
Freedom of Speech, 2017

Who Are We The People?
Robyn Phillips-Pendleton
Who Are We The People?, 2018
Oil and Casein on Claybord

Arrested: Avoider of Fines
Daisy Rockwell
Arrested: Avoider of Fines, 2013
Acrylic on panel
Plus seven other works in the series…

Freedom from What?
Maurice ‘Pops’ Peterson
Freedom from What?, 2015
Digital photograph on canvas

We the People
Sara Dilliplane,
We the People, 2018
Digital animation

Four Freedoms Today
Tim Needles,
Four Freedoms Today, 2018
Digital video

Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
Esther Iverem
Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares, 2017
Mixed media

Amy Wike
Refuge, 2017
Yarn and Morse code written on paper

Iran, Women, Hijab
Fazilat Soukhakian,
Iran, Women, Hijab, 2011
Photograph on fabric

Le Marché
Leslie Sills
Le Marché, 2017
Oil on panel

The Game
Soody Sharifi,
The Game, 2018

Mother and Daughter, Women’s March
Andréanna Seymore
Mother and Daughter, Women’s March 2017, 2017

Kathryn Scott
Grassroots, 2017

The Four Freedoms (A Tribute to Norman Rockwell)
Deborah Samia
The Four Freedoms (A Tribute to Norman Rockwell), 2018
Hydrocal plaster reinforced with fiberglass

The Friend of the Family
Jonathan Monaghan
The Friend of the Family, 2017
Digital print on aluminum

Religious Family Tree
Lisa Long
Religious Family Tree, 2017
Cut paper on board

Freedom of Speech—Fake News
Kenneth Laird
Freedom of Speech—Fake News, 2017
Graphite pencil and Photoshop on rag paper

Jumpin Jimtown
Sarah Hoskins
Jumpin Jimtown, 2004
Gelatin silver print

Freedom from Want
Chris Hopkins
Freedom from Want, 2017
Oil on panel

To Have and To Hold
Bri Hermanson
Marriage Equality, 2018

Breaking Free through Script (Script from Within)
Marcia Haffmans
Breaking Free through Script (Script from Within), 2018
Synesthetic fibers, Duralar, nuts, and bolts

Jiyu (Freedom)
Sarah Fukami
Jiyu (Freedom)
Acrylic and laser cut Plexiglas

Freedom of Religion Re-Imagined
Jane Feldman
Freedom of Religion Re-Imagined, 2013
Digital photograph

Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Believe
Daniela Edstrom
Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Believe,

Candace Eaton
Why?, 2017
Oil on canvas

Sunday Night/Monday Morning
John Dempsey
Sunday Night/Monday Morning, 2017
Acrylic on Masonite

Margarete, Helen, and Pablita
Erin Currier
Margarete, Helen, and Pablita, 2016
Acrylic and mixed media

Liberty Construct #1
Jarrett Christian
Liberty Construct #1, 2014
Ink on rice paper

Untitled III (Capture the Flag)
Celine Browning
Untitled III (Capture the Flag), 2017
Flag, thread, and wood

Thoughts of Home
Barbara Brandel
Thoughts of Home, 2013
Mixed media

Refugee Families in Winter
Gary Bist
Refugee Families in Winter, 2017
Sumi-e ink on rice paper

Civil Discord
James Billeaudeau
Civil Discord, 2017
Photographic print

Peaceful Demonstration Helmet (Water Protection)
James Berson
Peaceful Demonstration Helmet (Water Protection), 2017
Mixed media

Four Freedoms
Curt Belshe
Twenty-First Century Four Freedoms, 2017
Photo-polymer etching on paper

The Four Freedoms in the Style of Pontormo
Brandin Barón
The Four Freedoms in the Style of Pontormo, 2017
Digital print on paper

Four Freedoms (Marriage Equality, Agent Orange, Lettuce Picker, Stalin)
Stephanie Angelo
Four Freedoms (Marriage Equality, Agent Orange, Lettuce Picker, Stalin), 2017
Digital print on paper

United We Stand
Benny Bing
United We Stand, 2017
Acrylic on canvas